Family Page


We're Married!

Here we are, 2 innocents just married on March 29, 1997. And the ride begins ...
Steve & Betsy Wedding Picture

Daniel Robert Kramer

Vital Stats

Born October 28, 1998 at 4:55 AM

Weight was 6 lbs. 5 oz.

Height was 19.25 inches

Rated 8-9 on the 10-point Apgar Scale, already a A-B student.

Danny's Coming Out Party

The social skills given to Dan by his mother are great. In the first lesson, Danny waits until almost 5 AM to arrive at the party. Here you see him after getting "cut off" from his supply ... and we wouldn't let him drive home either.
Daniel Born

The Chromosomes of a Healthy Baby Boy

Here are the chromosomes obtained by an amniocentesis. The X/Y chromosomes (the two at the bottom right, after chromosome pair 22) show it's a boy. If the baby were a girl, the last chromosome would look just like the next to last chromosome.
Daniel AmnioCentesis

Our Male Fetus at 16 5/7 Gestational Weeks

And for the first time ever, Baby Boy Kramer! Here's the fetus in the womb. I may be mistaken, but he appears to be watching the latest installment of South Park. Ike is the baby's hero - I hear he loves him like a brother.
Daniel Sonogram - 15 5/7 Weeks

Our Male Fetus at 17 5/7 Gestational Weeks

Here's our boy already growing up. He is getting a nice layer of fuzz ... oh, it's just the lack of picture quality. Notice the kid got restless and switched positions from the previous week.
Daniel Sonogram - 17 5/7 Weeks


Dynamo and Shapster Boating

Here are Dynamo and Shapster battening down the hatches as they sail the rough and tumble seas of Lake Lanier in Georgia. See them here as they cower at the bottom of a ski boat.
Dynamo & Shapiro Boating

Dynamo and Shapster Resting

Dynamo and Shapster can have a tough day of destroying dog toys and eating the neighbor dog's food. Here they are after one such grueling day.
Dynamo & Shapiro Resting

WEB Links

Last change: 6-October-2004